Thursday, January 8, 2015

Snow Day Blessing and Challenge!

gift |gift|noun 1 a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present• informal a very easy task or unmissable opportunity:PHRASES look a gift horse in the mouth find fault with something that has been received as a gift or favor.[earlier as look a given horse in the mouth.]ORIGIN Middle English: from Old Norse gipt; related to give.

Good Morning Artists! 

I missed seeing you in art today.  However, today is also a gift. Make sure you read the card, admire the paper, and then open your gift! Here are some artful ways to enjoy it. 

  • Put on an old coat, fill an old cleaning bottle with Kool aid or food coloring (just a little color is needed) and after creating a snow sculpture, spray it with colored water.  It will freeze quickly and last much longer! You may need to shake the bottle to keep it from freezing. 
  • If it's too cold outside you can gather snow from outside on a cookie tray, pack it down and paint it with watercolor paints.  Before it melts press a piece of paper on top of it to record your exploration.  
  • Create an unusual snow sculpture.  Check out these ideas some kid in England created.  I love the details such as the snow vase with berries in it.  

I would love an email of your results! Enjoy God's gift, time! 

Mrs. Luce
Art Teacher 

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