These are the words I read this past fall a month after I applied for a Holland Christian Egg Grant. What? You haven't heard of an Egg Grant? Well, think of it this way, an Egg Grant is like waving a magic wand and being granted a wish from the educational fairy. Last fall teachers were asked to dream about a project that would entice them to explore new and exciting things in their classroom. It might extend beyond their normal budget but it would also stretch them as an educator. Perhaps you child had genius hour or learned how to play the ukulele. If accepted, one is provided funding to make your dream come true. Really!
So last summer I started thinking and dreaming. I dreamt that Rose Park students would have the opportunity to experience the process an artist follows from start to finish when creating a painting.
I felt strongly that I wanted my students to interact with a Christian artist. One who makes a difference in the world through their art. And finally I hoped to have an artists students might experience who was part of their community, not just something at a museum.
So I am proud to announce this semester that our fourth grade class will be working with Joel Schoon-tanis, a local Christian artist who enjoys working with children and helping bring our their creativity. This is the second week we have met and so far it is going well. Enjoy the short video clip of them on our first day learning a little about Joel, how to read art, as well as brainstorm some of their ideas.
I'll keep you posted on our process, but please feel free to ask a fourth grader all about the process!
For more information about our artist please check out his website:
Kindergarten students are working on pattern making with both shape and color. One can hear them repeat it as they print with a small found object. At the center of their rugs is the Christian cross because as Elmer Yazzi* taught us, we want to display Christ everywhere we go so that everyone hears about our Jesus.